Monthly Archives: September 2014

Ikea Basic crush #1

When you have studied art or interior architecture, you might get the impression that Ikea is the symbol of cheap design. I disagree. Ikea is the playground of design lovers. You can find a piece of Ikea in EVERY interior (maybe not in the queen’s palace but I doubt that too 😉 )

What I really fell in love with, are some of the Ikea basic products. There are a few of these objects that you can buy and use it as a base for your own designs. You can easily change the color or, if you are more creative, use it for an other purpose in an other combination that you came up with. AND the good part is… your pocket will be very thank full too !!

Each Saturday, I will show you one of my Ikea favorites and what I did with it.

This weeks basic Crush is the BEKVÄM step, 9,99€ in wooden finish.  This object is very handy because of the fact that it is very flexible, it can be used as a chair, a step or you can put a flowerpot on it. You can easily change the color of it and when you are tired or you decide to change the interior … just repaint it!

What is the first Ikea product you can see right now? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a lovely evening (or day 🙂 )

Neg  x





Pantone Obsession Level : high

Dschwen LLC. is a creative studio for branding and product design led by David Schwen.


“Over the years, he has acquired a loyal following of those who appreciate his ability to view an ordinary object or pop icon and turn it on its head to become trending social commentary.”


This paragraph is copied from the About page of and I couldn’t use better words to describe why I love this guy’s work. He reminds me of Andy Warhol …somehow… (a huge fan of him). His works are so simple but yet so smart and fun to look at. As you now , I have an obsession with Pantone objects and this one collection of David Schwen just made my day.

I made a selection of my favorites but you can read the whole article here.




Pantone Pairing by David Schwen

Pantone Pairing by David Schwen

Pantone Pairing by David Schwen

DIY stars on the wall

As a child, I wanted to become a astronaut, like almost every child in the world. But as I got older I stayed fascinated with the night sky.

I moved to Belgium when I was 11 which means that I am far away from a lot of my family members but every time I look up, I feel a connection with my birthplace, where home used to be. That is why I decided to bring that in my interior.

My vision of a home is, that it should be personal. By introducing feelings and experiences in an interior you give an identity to a space.

This project is a DIY that didn’t cost (almost) anything. I used felt chair feet pads and  black sewing thread to connect them. The smaller circles are made by black tape that I cut out in circles.

You can download the plan here and choose whatever shapes that you like to put on your wall, window or anywhere your hearts desires. I chose the Ursa Major, Ursa Minor and the dragon for our wall 🙂 .

This piece of home which is our sleeping room, got a whole other atmosphere by doing this. Now I don’t have to look up everynight to look at the stars. Specially when you live in Belgium where the sky is mostly cloudy. Now I have my own night sky.

PS:For the artlovers among us… I have a website where I put my professional Interior and art works on,  I made a painting that you can find by clicking on this link which is also about … ra ra ra the nightsky !

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