This Chair

Today’s lifestyle is one in which we spend a lot of our time seated (me included). Studies have shown that sitting for a long amount of time can cause heart diseases, a higher blood pressure, obesity and higher cholesterol, back and neck problems… and these are just a few of them. You would think that a lot of sport and exercise can help that but it is not always true. The fact is that  sitting still is not the only problem, we are sitting wrong… Crossed legs can cause a slower blood circulation and knee problems, a wrong back posture is a huge cause of pack pain, etc.

Benoit Malta, a French Industrial Designer may be having the solution to that problem…

He has designed a 2 legged chair called ‘inactivité’ (thx for the ironic name). Maybe a bit odd at the first sight, but when you think about it, this can be THE step towards the solution.

This ‘simple’ wooden chair makes you use your leg and hip muscles to balance the chair. This is obviously not a lounge chair but all I can think about is why not?

I don’t think that this chair will be used in its actual form for the offices but this can be a step in the right direction. See for your self.

Click for Benoit Malta 

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